Enneagram for Individuals

So, who are you? What are you doing here? What talents do you bring to the world? Why do I seem to thwart myself with what I want to achieve? Why can’t I get my ideas into concrete substance?

You are not alone in asking these questions.

Do any of the descriptions in the diagram below ring any bells?


How much discomfort are you in and how much can you take? Are you tired of being on that thread in your life?

“Ultimately, happiness comes down to choosing between the discomfort of becoming aware of your mental afflictions and the discomfort of being ruled by them.”
– Yongey Mingyer Rinpoche

With an iEQ9 report you will find out the drivers and aversions you have towards yourself, others and the world. There is so many messages in our lives, taking the time to reflect and change to more useful directions can seem like too much work!

Once you gain a sense of how you can move beyond those mental afflictions and start to gain a greater sense of who and how you are, the effort will seem minimal and easier than what the world tells you to do.

Find out about emotional and psychological factors; balancing your 3 primary drives (head, heart & body); understand self imposed limiting beliefs & blind spots and how to embrace them; hot to communicate better and much more.

If you’d like to delve deeper into what’s available in the report, take a look at iEQ9’s overview here.
